Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Date With My Chicks

I met Pillar, Cathy, and Alla at the Asian Cafe. It felt great to be out and about. It's like pulling teeth to get me away from home..but, somehow, Alla can do it.

Pillar had a fit over this guy's shirt..if you have seen 'The Wedding Crashers' get it.
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  1. Glad to see you out and about! I have been WAY too out and about doing everything except seeing knitting friends. Whew. Miss seeing you and am glad you are having some fun.

  2. Thanks girl....I am holed-up right now..catching up on 'me' time..bry's in korea. I miss you too. How about another coffee date when I pull myself that-a-way? I'll give you a heads-up.
